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Life Coaching

Get the Recovery Life Coaching You Need for the Life Ahead of You

Therapists have named “Executive Functioning Skills” a key part of Life Coaching that focuses on building an individual’s capacity to manage the fundamental tasks of running one’s life.

Executive Functioning Skills include:
  • Inhibition (stop behavior at the appropriate time)
  • Shift (move freely from one situation to another)
  • Emotional Control (modulate emotional responses)
  • Initiation (begin a task and generate ideas, responses and problem-solving)
  • Working Memory (capacity to hold information to complete a task)
  • Planning Organization (manage future-task orientation)
  • Organization of Materials (bring order to work, play, and storage spaces); Self-Monitoring (monitor one’s own performance and measure against a standard)

Each of these Executive Functioning Skills can be necessary in order to navigate the complex society we have created in modern times. When overwhelmed with life’s requirements, anxiety prevails and an individual then “avoids,” which is often when addiction “sets-in” or a relapse occurs. Once the addiction is under control, learning to master life-necessary Executive Functions is necessary to prevent relapse from occurring again and again.

Photo by park dasol

Re-engineering a Life Beyond Addiction

An individual can be capable, healthy, and productive and still not feel they are living life fully. A person can be an outward success, but inwardly, feel empty. Some people are even living a life that others aspire to, yet feel as though they are living a life not their own a life designed FOR them but not by them.

Finding the Authentic Self Sensing the Unrest Within

Many people overcome tremendous obstacles and impediments to attaining a sense of freedom or accomplishment. Some are then fortunate enough — in a way that creates great — for them to find precisely their niche, the thing they were meant to do, the highest mode of being of service fulfillment. Others strive equally hard, achieve immensely, and yet feel it be a hollow victory or an ongoing burden rather than a joy. Some have been so intent on hurdling obstacles — and perhaps, had to be — that personal satisfaction as a goal or deep connection to self, others, or to a spiritually rich path has, by necessity, fallen by the wayside.

Many clients as well have described overcoming great odds to recover from hardship, disorders and/or addiction, yet still, wonder precisely what their purpose is. What have they survived in order to do or be? Personal development is actually rather a “vanilla” term for issues so deeply significant and existential. one philosophy that profound and universally applicable implications for self-unfolding are that of locating the “unique self,” which is the acceptance that each person’s existence is significant, meaningful, and irreplaceable.

Photo by Victoria Bilsborough

We All Matter

No one is “an extra” on the set of life. Whether through modem life, personal suffering or disconnection, many people come to feel isolated, insignificant, or without specialness. Some cultures have even come to equate our inherent need to experience “specialness an arrogance, egotism, or narcissism. Yet, every human being needs and deserves to experience the fullness of their existence and come to know the “gift” they — through their being and through their doing, their contribution. Living a fulfilling life is to live an experience that is not simply are here to give about endurance, survival, or productivity, but one of deep meaning, purpose, and participation.

Intensive Personal Journeys into the Depth and Breadth of Who

It sounds nice to say, “find yourself and you’ll find happiness.” Finding ourselves is a deeply profound process that is usually met with a considerable amount of resistance, confusion, or even the need to process some previously unprocessed emotional pain. We don ‘t need to be an addict in recovery to wonder and then discover what’s under some of our own habitual behaviors, patterns of being in a relationship, unrest with our careers or jobs, ways of coping with stress, tendency to avoid certain things, or that nagging feeling that there’s something else beyond the confines of our average, predictable day.

Photo by Lauren Manck

Why Modern Therapy Can Take Us Where We Want To Go

The complex challenge of self-discovery and self-knowing requires intensive care, focus, and determination. George Gurdjieff, early 20th Century spiritual mystic once said, “This work is not difficult to do alone. It is impossible.” Connecting with one’s own true nature requires self-reflection, mirroring, and attunement with and by others, the development of self- and other respect and an unyielding wonderment and curiosity for the intense process of self-mastery as a whole.

Some of the personal skills and attributes focused on may include:

  • The skills for nourishing one’s relationships
  • The ability to deepen the capacity for intimacy
  • The ability to experience joy, to allow it and further express it across one’s life
  • Personal time-management
  • Creating a balanced lifestyle
  • Learning enhanced problem-solving skills
  • The identification of coping mechanisms and defense mechanisms
  • Learning to identify and then express feelings and emotions, both positive as well as negative emotions
  • Dealing more thoughtfully and assertively with perceived unsolvable problems
  • The constructive and effective expression of anger, and as such, as a platform for developing even greater intimacy and self-respect
  • Attunement to one’s desires, both those readily in the foreground and those that may have been held offline.

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