Harmony Place Monterey has a one-of-a-kind approach to Treatment and Therapy.
Since hospital stays tend to be relatively short, and residential programs often focus on symptom stabilization, clients don’t have the opportunity to work on the deeper issues, such as post-traumatic stress, abuse suffered, emotional neglect, social anxiety, or intimacy struggles. What is missing from the continuum of care is partial hospitalization that would include life coaching, therapeutic community with peer support, and the option for transitional living. Harmony Place Monterey (HPM) was created to meet these needs. We offer exceptional treatment and therapy to suit your needs.
At HPM, we focus on a small number of clients in a safe, intimate milieu. Being able to offer a more affordable treatment with a longer length of stay, clients are able to make significant changes in their lives, allowing for a relief of depression, anxiety, obsessive as well as addictive symptoms.