After a client who has been abusing alcohol has detoxed and established sobriety, the therapy really begins. Harmony Place Monterey is unique in providing:
- Sober living facility
- Daily testing for accountability
- 6-day-a-week programming
- 12-step support when desired
- Emphasis on Buddhist principal of recovery
- Family and couple involvement when indicated
- Work on developing a support network and connections with others who are dependable
- 3 individual psychotherapy sessions per week to work on deeper issues from childhood/adolescence
- Expressive therapy 3 times per week
- Relapse prevention and emotional tolerance and expression
Rarely can a client find this degree of extensive support and intensive therapy with an expert team in a sober living format.
Our program is holistic. Each client’s therapy begins with a thorough intake assessment. The pacing of therapy is sensitive to each individual’s capacity to change.
Harmony Place Monterey begins where other programs end. Too often the individual is not ready to return to their home environment, friendships, and family, so they may quickly relapse. We identify blocks to sobriety and help re-engineer a client’s life, job, relationship, and daily stress. Then we teach him or her how to alter boundaries and attachment patterns for relationships, and establish a satisfying career.