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From Pornography to Intimacy: Changing the Triggers for Sexual Arousal
Addiction to pornography can be difficult to treat, particularly if pornography has been used compulsively since puberty.
The adolescent brain, especially the frontal cortex (the seat of judgement, decision-making, and personality expression) is still developing and can be altered by endless hours spent watching pornography.
The brain becomes trained to respond to visual rather than tactile stimulation, with escalating needs for novel images and situations. As tolerance builds, kinky or disturbing images can be conditioned into sexual-stimulation wiring. The human partner cannot compete. Couples often split because of the partner’s lack of interest in love-making, a preference for pornography, and the denationalization this creates.
This workshop will summarize current research and discuss Dr. Schwartz’s successful approach to working with compulsive sexual behaviors, such as pornography addiction, and ways to recondition arousal patterns for truly intimate interactions.
Mark F. Schwartz, Sc.D. LMFT
- Questionnaire >> Hypersexual Behavior Inventory
- Article 1 >> An Integrative Model for Treatment of Sexual Desire Disorders: An Update of the Masters and Johnson Institute Approach
- Article 2 >> Damaged Development of the Human Affectional System and Developmentally Based Psychotherapy for Sexual Compulsivity
- PowerPoint in PDF >> From Pornography to Intimacy: Changing the Triggers for Sexual Arousal